To Everyone Trying To Do New Things: Don't Give Up
The honeymoon phase is over. At least for me, in my classes. The excitement of the new school year has worn off, the cooler temperatures and gray skies of winter are becoming more frequent, and we are definitely in the thick of the DEVOLSON (Dark Evil Vortex Of Late September, October, November) season.
I just want to take a moment to encourage those of you that are trying new things or trying to become better teachers for your kids to NOT GIVE UP.
I say this all the time, but I think it bears repeating. Almost every single time anyone tries anything new, they're going to suck at it. (I mean... there are a few prodigies out there rockin' it on the first try, but for the rest of us, it's just not the case). The first time Aaron Rodgers threw a football was most likely not a perfect pass. The first time Michael Jordan shot a basket, it probably missed. How did these INCREDIBLY talented athletes get to be where they are? BY PRACTICING (sorry, not sorry for shouting lol).
So, if we, as teachers, want to improve and perfect our skills, then we need to practice them, too! There's a reason why my YouTube Channel does NOT have videos from the first or even second (or third, or fourth, or fifth...) times I try to teach using certain strategies. It's beacuse I usually suck when I try them for the first time! I know that I NEED to practice it before it is at a level that I'm willing to be vulnerable to share with others.
PLEASE. If you don't feel that how you do something is up to par or as good as what you've seen people in videos do, PLEASE don't give up!! You are good enough, worthy enough, brave enough, strong enough, and loved as you are, right now. I want to leave you with this quote from Rachel Hollis.
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